Monday, June 6, 2016


Positioning hotels to reach a productive market share in the global marketplace is a challenging mission. The competitive edge in the hospitality business creates difficulty to obtain a productive RevPAR competitive pricing, distribution management, yield strategies and therefore leaves a large amount of hotels with low revenues. 

While the situation is complex to solve, RevOptimum, the leading specialists in Revenue Management services, will work with hotels to optimize their sales and increase their hotel income.
As the hotel market experts, RevOptimum adapts to each hotel case, personalizing the Revenue Management structures to create unmatched strategies and place the hotel at prime position within the global market.
RevOptimum is a company specializing in Hotel Revenue Management, with a vast experience in the hotel industry. The Company’s Yield tactics are unparalleled and hard to compare to other Revenue Management Consulting services yet that their approaches are unique and tailored exclusively to every hotel’s success. “There is not a single revenue management strategy that has been repeated from one hotel to another; at least not in the case of RevOptimum; we have truly reinvented the wheel of hotel Revenue Management, we mold each strategy to our clients,” Says Scott Frothingham, RevOptimum CEO, “that is what it makes us so unique and meticulous at increasing hotel revenues.”
Proven results are the successful Revenue Management of numerous independent hotel chains and resorts throughout U.S.A. and hotels in Latin America & Europe that RevOptimum has managed with over $1 billion dollars in revenues for their clients since 2008.
Hotels interested in becoming a RevOptimum client can visit